Well talk about high drama - my kids were infected with the Parvovirus a couple of months ago and they in turn infected me. Unfortunately the parvovirus or slapped cheek is very dangerous to pregnant people. Basically what happens is the antibodies that my body produces attack the baby's red blood cells and compromise them so that when he's born there is not enough red blood cells to pump oxygen around the body and the baby will go in to cardiac arrest. So this means I need to have weekly ultrasounds and the baby needs to be monitored closely and if he is becoming ill then they will give him a blood transfusion. It has all been a little stressful to say the least. On a positive note I do get to check out the baby weekly in ultrasounds and I'm beginning to see features - he's very cute but a bit of a boofer. He already weights 4lb 6o. When I asked what the average was the technician brought up a graph similar to a baby's growth chart and there was this little dot way way above the top line - basically off the chart. LOL - I have to laugh or I'll start freaking out.