Monday, October 8, 2007

My big baby bump

I got Ethan to take some photos of my ever expanding tummy today - I feel enormous. I have five weeks to go but the baby is already over 7lbs - he s going to be enormous. Everytime they measure him I almost don't want to know how big he is. We still haven't agreed on any names, i might wait until th emoment he is born and just say "This is his name". Hopefully Carl will be so traumatised by the event that he'll just agree. Although I won't be in any condition to argue if he doesn't agree. I'm still having weekly ultrasounds but everything is going well so far, fingers crossed. i di dhave ome terrible nightmares last night and I'm a bit shaken from them today, I think the pregnancy hormones have been sending me the most vivd dreams but these were terrible. Anyway, lucky that they were just dreams.

1 comment:

Liz said...

OMG Sam you have gotten huge since I saw you last !